Monday, October 10, 2011

My Weekend!


せんしゅうのどうようびにともだちはColumbiaだいがくへきますした。わたしとともだちはColumbia Cottageでひるごはんへたべいました、ちゅうごくのごはんです。それから、わたしとともだちはColumbiaへあるいてきますした。ともだちはColumbiaでしゃしんをとりました。ともだちはごごごじにかえりました。それから、わたしわとしょかんとgymへいきました。ばん、テレビをみました。

きのうわたしはとまだちとごぜんじゅういちじはんにChinatownへいきました。Nom Wah Tea Parlour でDimsumをたべました、おいしいですね!それから、bubble teaとegg tartsをたべいました。OMG we ate so much food in Chinatown! それから、Chinatownのスーパでgroceriesをかいました。

Haha I am not used to writing down such details of my schedule but since this is a good way to practise whatever that I have learned, oh wells... Anyway pigging out is always fun and omg downtown Manhattan is really where all the action (or rather food) is! HURHUR I am really living in the wrong neighbourhood!


  1. ありがとう ございます for the birthday wishes!

    Okay, your blog title actually makes a lot of sense now!

  2. そうですね!でもdowntownに住んでいたら楽しすぎて勉強できないですね -すぎもと

  3. I havent been to Chinatown to eat dim sum in ages, reading about this is making me hungry for chinese food! My brother recommended a place called Red Egg in chinatown that he says is extremely delicious. I havent been yet, but he has very good taste in foods, so if you are down there again, you should try!

  4. Omg you sound like you had suchhh an おいしい weekend! I am so jealous! Bubble tea, dimsum, egg tart...that's what life is about. Anyway, how was ひるごはん at Columbia Cottage? I have never been there but keep hearing about it. And どこですか?

  5. That sounds like a lot of fun! わたしもchinatownでごはんおたべました。I was looking for a good dimsum place, but we ended up going somewhere else. I will definitely go back for some though!
